How do I contact the seller about an item?

Maker6 is a marketplace for 3D printed goods and 3D printing services. As a marketplace, we provide sellers with a platform to sell their items and become small business owners.

Maker6 is not directly involved in the transaction between buyers and sellers. Users are required to communicate directly with sellers through the tools available on the Site. Sellers can provide you more information about your order, such as processing and shipping times, as well as tracking numbers.

If you ever have a question about an item or an order you've placed, you can contact the seller directly using our onsite messaging system, Conversations.

To send a Conversation to a seller from their shop page, click on the About Shop - Contact. You can also find the same Contact link located on the listing page of any item.


After clicking Contact, a popup will appear where you can add your message. 

To view your Conversations, sign into your account and click the mail icon in the gray site header at the top of any page or visit .

When you receive a new message, you'll see a number in a blue square over the envelope icon.

You can also choose to receive an email notification whenever you receive a new message. Go to Conversations and click Notification Preferences or to Account > Notification Settings > Emails. This notification will be sent by Maker6 to the email address on file in your account.

Be sure to read the DOs & DON'Ts of Maker6 regarding the appropriate use of Conversations.

If you've already placed an order with a seller:

You can send them a Conversation directly from your Purchases page. To do this, click Account > Purchases and find your order. Click Contact the Shop on the right side of the page.

You can also contact the seller from your receipt page. Click Account > Purchases and the View Receipt button on the right side of the page. The Contact button is located in the Shop box.