What is a Treasury and how do I create one?
Treasury is an ever-changing, member-curated shopping gallery comprised of lists of items.
These lists contain 16 items. Members can create a themed collection or feature their favorite items from all over Maker6.
What you need to know before getting started
Treasury is not intended for self-promotion.
Before creating a Treasury, be sure to check out the Treasury section in our DOs and DON'Ts.
There is no limit to the number of lists you can create.
The number of views your list receives and the number of clicks the items featured in your list receive are displayed in the list's Stats section as well as on the treasury list itself.
The "Handpicked Items" that appear on the Maker6 home page are treasuries created by our members and selected by our Merch team. The featured treasuries are chosen based on current themes and trends, and they change regularly throughout the day.
How to Create a Treasury
Choose Item Listings
First, find 16 item listings for your list. These could be items from your favorites, favorite shops, or from a search on Maker6.
You will need the listing page URL (web address) or listing ID number for each item.
Create Your List
After signing into your Maker6 account, visit the Treasury page, located on your profile. Once in the Treasury, click on Create a list. A new page will open where you can build your list.
Title: Give your list a creative, catchy, and meaningful name. This will help draw visitors in.
Description: Share the inspiration behind your list.
Privacy: You can choose to make a list private (only visible to you) or public (visible to everyone).
Tags: Tags are descriptive keywords that help shoppers discover lists when searching within the Treasury. Use words that describe your list as a whole. Enter a tag in the box and click Add.
Listings: To add an item to your list, you need to enter the listing page URL or the listing ID number into the box and click OK.
You can click and drag each listing you've added until you're happy with your Treasury's arrangement.
Then, click the Save button. You'll need to have a minimum of four listings in your Treasury in order to save it. If you chose to make your list public, it will now appear in the Treasury Index, which can be searched by other members.
Additional Tips for Curating a List
Maker6's staff ("Admin") may promote whole or partial lists to the Handpicked Items featured on Maker6's homepage. If you would like your list to be considered for the homepage, here are some things to keep in mind:
Be diverse! No more than one item per shop.
Don't include your own items. Spread the love!
Is it relevant to current themes and trends?
Make it beautiful!
Editing Your List
To edit your list, simply click the Edit button in the right column.
If you change your mind about an item, or if an item has sold out or is no longer appearing, you can edit or remove it from your list. Just hover your cursor over the item image, and two links will appear to Edit or Remove.
Be sure to click the Save button when you're done making changes to your list.
Moderating Comments
As curator of your list, you have some control over the comments made by other members on your list. If needed, you may delete a comment. Hover your mouse over the comment to access the Delete option.
Sharing Your List
Once you have created a beautiful collection, you're welcome to share it with your friends or those you have included. Please keep our DOs and DON'Ts in mind if you decide to message each member you have included in your list.
There are also social networking buttons directly on your list that enable you to share it on sites like Facebook and Twitter. You can find these tools in the right column of your list.